【 英语300句】学习,为了遇见更好的自己(第十五课)

According to Xinhua Net's latest database, there are currently 2,978 NPC deputies. They are divided into groups by administrative regions and armed forces. 全国人大代表的任期是五年,每年开春时聚集在北京参加全国人大会议。今年是第十一届会议的第五次会...

句中的“there are”表示有某人或某物,是英语中常见的表达方式,如: There are many books in the library. 图书馆里有很多书。 There are many people working here. 有很多人在这里工作。 ·每日一词 tourist 游客 ·学习目标 学习“there are”的表达方式。

近日,绵阳市安州区河清镇小学开展教师“复习考核课”活动,“倒逼”其尽快入门入轨,夯实教育教学基本功,让“双减”不减质。 本次复习课考核活动历时三天,语数英三科共8位新老师围绕“字...

tower over there.到那儿就可以看得比较清楚了。There you can watch thema lot more clearly.王渊源:那太好了。That's great.这里好多鸟啊!There are so many birds here!韩佳: 那当然了。Of course.因为不仅附近的海鸟会到这里来栖息,Because not only the seabirds...

There are so many beautiful flowers.肯定能找到中意的。I'll definitely find some thatare to my liking.这里有这么多花儿。There are many fresh flowers here.好像也能听到鸟叫声啊。There also seem to bechirping birds here.韩佳: 用一个成语来形容正合适啊。

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